Car Found in Vancouver Matches Description of Ryan Jenkins's Last Ride

Ryan Jenkins' half sister, Alena Jenkins, and the silver PT Cruiser (r) with Alberta plates found in a Vancouver parking garage that matches the description of the vehicle seen dropping off alleged killer Ryan Jenkins at a Hope motel.
Silver PT Cruiser with Alberta plates parked in accused killer’s half-sister’s condominium. The Vancouver Sun has found a silver PT Cruiser with Alberta plates in a parking garage in a Coal Harbour condo that matches the description of the vehicle seen dropping off alleged killer Ryan Jenkins at a Hope motel.

Jenkins’s half-sister Alena, who lives in the condo, refused to speak to reporters.
Canwest News Service also learned through court records that Jenkins’s father, Calgary architect Dan Jenkins, owns a PT Cruiser. It is not clear whether this is the same vehicle. Meanwhile, the Beuna Park police department believes they have found Jasmine Fiore's missing Mercedes Benz, TMZ is reporting.

The car found by The Sun was parked Tuesday night in the far back corner of a well-lit parking garage in stall No. 132 of the upscale highrise. A directory listing for the suite has the name “AJ and Farley.” The high-security building requires a pass card to enter and a second card to reach any floors above ground level. Reaching the car required passing through two security gates and down many floors. The parking garage was warm and bright with a couple of Porsches parked nearby.

Neighbours didn’t know Jenkins and wouldn’t comment to reporters. A woman who answered the phone at Alena’s condo residence Tuesday said she was not home. Ryan Jenkins, 32, hanged himself inside a room at the Thunderbird Motel in Hope on Sunday, as authorities on both sides of the border hunted for him in connection with the Los Angeles-area murder of his ex-wife, 28-year-old Jasmine Fiore. Fiore’s mutilated body was found on Aug. 15, stuffed inside a suitcase placed in a garbage bin in Buena Park, 30 kilometres southeast of Los Angeles.

Five days later, witnesses saw a woman driving a silver PT Cruiser with Alberta licence plates check Jenkins into the Thunderbird Motel while he waited in the vehicle. The RCMP have said they know who checked Jenkins into the motel in Hope, but won’t reveal the woman’s identity. Nor would investigators make any comment about who owns the PT Cruiser witnesses saw the woman driving.

“I won’t speak to that at all,” said Cpl. Norm Massie of the federal border integrity program. However, Alberta vehicle records show a silver 2001 PT Cruiser is among several vehicles registered under Dan Jenkins’s name. Canwest News Service has also obtained divorce records from Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench in which his former wife, Sandra, indicated he drove a leased PT Cruiser when they met.

Neighbours at Dan Jenkins’s home in Calgary said the vehicle had been stored in the parkade underneath his condominium for an extended period of time — but had recently been moved. It’s too early to tell whether additional charges will be laid against the mystery woman who helped Ryan check into the motel. The Buena Park Police Department has said Ryan Jenkins was the last person seen with Fiore in the San Diego area.

A manhunt ensued for the Calgary realtor-turned-California reality TV star — who by then was charged as the suspect in the murder — as he made his way across the border into B.C. It’s believed Ryan Jenkins drove his boat from Blaine to Point Roberts and then crossed the border into Canada. Point Roberts would have been familiar ground to Ryan Jenkins: His father and stepmother once co-owned a home there.

While Stanwood has not commented publicly about the murder or Ryan Jenkins’ involvement, his mother spoke to Global Television on Tuesday. Nada Antic said she empathizes with Fiore’s family — however, she also re-stated her belief in her son’s innocence. “I’m sure they’re going through the same thing we’re going through. It’s heartbreaking,” she said in a telephone interview with Global BC. “It’s a nightmare. He’s innocent as far as I’m concerned,” Antic said.

Ryan Jenkins' half sister, Alena Jenkins, and the silver PT Cruiser (r) with Alberta plates found in a Vancouver parking garage that matches the description of the vehicle seen dropping off alleged killer Ryan Jenkins at a Hope motel.

Ryan Jenkins' half sister, Alena Jenkins, and the silver PT Cruiser (r) with Alberta plates found in a Vancouver parking garage that matches the description of the vehicle seen dropping off alleged killer Ryan Jenkins at a Hope motel.